2018 WOMEX (World Music Expo) Official Selection
2018 Mundial Montreal (North America's World Music Summit) Official Selection
2019 SXSW (South by South West) Official Selection - DUO BUD
2021 SEOUL PAMS CHOICE Official Selection
2023-2024 Korean Jangdan&Music Festival Director
한국의 타악연주자, 월드뮤지션이자 프로듀서로 경계 없는 활동을 이어가며 주목받은 김소라는 예술의 경계를 넘나들며 타 장르와의 협업을 통해 타악.연희 예술의 가치를 알리는 방법을 지속적으로 탐구해 왔다. 전라북도 무형문화재 제 7-2호 정읍농악 보유자 유지화 명인을 사사하였으며 중앙대학교 국악대학 타악연희과 수석 입학 및 수석 조기졸업 이후 동대학원에서 한국음악학 석사학위를 받았다. 경희대학교 공연예술학 박사(예술경영)를 전공하였으며 음악적 실기와 공연예술 시장의 이론적 바탕을 탐구하고 자신만의 장르를 개척하는 예술가로 활동하고 있다. 2018년 정규 1집 <비가 올 징조> 발매 이후, 세계 최대 음악 박람회 WOMEX 2018,북미월드뮤직 서밋 MUNDIAL MONTREAL 2018> 공식 쇼케이스를 통해 유럽과 북미 월드뮤직씬에 성공적으로 데뷔하였다. 첫 정규 앨범은 제16회 한국 대중음악상 최우수 재즈 & 크로스오버 음반에 노미네이트 되었고, 유럽&북미&오세아니아 7 개국 25개 도시의 유명 극장과 페스티벌 단독 월드 투어를 진행하며 세계를 무대로 활발하게 활동을 이어가고 있다. 특히 세계 최대 음악페스티벌 중 하나인 WOMAD UK 페스티벌에서는 <올해 최고의 스타 중 한명은 한국의 타악연주자 김소라이다. Music OMH>라고 평가 하였다. 2021년 정규 2집 앨범 <랜드스케이프> 작품으로 2021 서울문화재단, 서울아트마켓 팸스초이스 공식 아티스트, 한문위 공연예술 창작산실 올해의 레퍼토리에 선정되었으며 2022-2023 김소라 장단 콘체르토 프로젝트 <충돌이론>, <이데아>는 서울문화재단, 경기문화재단 예술창작 작품에 선정되어 다양한 장르의 작곡가, 지휘자와 협업하면서 관현악, 실내악 음악으로서 장단의 가능성을 실현시키고 국립국악원 창작악단, KBS 국악관현악단과의 협연을 통해 장단 콘체르토의 주요 레퍼토리를 발표하였다. 김소라만의 장르를 꾸준히 만들어 내면서 더욱 깊어진 예술성과 음악성을 기반으로 전통타악을 대표하는 연주자로 활발히 활동하고 있는 동시에 중앙대학교 예술대학 전통예술학부에 출강하며 후학을 양성하고 있다.
Kim So Ra, in her overlapping roles as a Korean percussionist, world musician, and producer, has been praised for crossing boundaries in the arts to create hybrid works with Korean percussion that show the artistic merit of Korean traditional percussion and performing arts. She studied under Master Jiwha Yu who is the Holder of North Jeolla Province Intangible Cultural Asset No. 7-2, Jeongeup Nongak. She was admitted to and graduated at the top of her class as a Percussion Performance Major at the Chung-Ang University School of Korean Music, after which she went on to earn her Master in Korean Music studies. Kim then received her Ph.D. in Arts Management from the Kyung Hee University School of Performing Arts. With her exceptional musical skills and knowledge of the performing arts market as her foundation, she is now an artist pioneering her own genre.
After the release of her first album A Sign of Rain in 2018, she successfully debuted in the European and North American World Music Scenes as an official showcase artist at the world’s biggest music expositions, WOMEX 2018 and Mundial Montreal 2018. Her first album A Sign of Rain was nominated for the 16th Korean Music Awards Best Jazz & Crossover Album. Kim has performed around the world on tour at reputable venues and festivals in 25 cities across 7 different countries in Europe, North America and Oceania. In particular, after her performance at Europe’s largest festival WOMAD UK, one review from Music OMH stated, “WOMAD always produces surprises each year and one of the stars of the festival this year is South Korean percussionist Kim So Ra.” In 2021, Kim released her 2nd full-length album Landscape. She was selected as the Seoul Art Market PAMS Choice Official Artist, and her album was selected by the Arts Council Korea Office of New Works in the Performing Arts as the select repertory of the year. 2022-2023, So Ra Kim’s Jangdan Concerto Project “Collision Theory” and “IDEA” were selected as new creative works by the the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture and the GyeongGi Cultural Foundation. The Jangdan Concerto project, in collaboration with composers and conductors from diverse backgrounds, realizes the potential of jangdan through orchestral and chamber music. She was able to present the main repertory of her Jangdan Concerto project with the National Gugak Center’s Contemporary Gugak Orchestra and the KBS Traditional Music Orchestra. So Ra Kim is a performer representing traditional percussion founded on deeper artistry and musicianship while simultaneously creating her own genre. Currently, she is also a lecturer at the Chung-Ang University School of Korean Music where she is training the next generation of scholars and musicians.
Major Work
2023-2024 Korean Jangdan & Music Festival <JangdanUhee>, Seoul
2023 KIM SO RA 6th Solo Concert <IDEA>, Yeoju
2022 KIM SO RA x KIM JUNG GI Collaboration Concert <SANG SANG>, Seoul
2022 KIM SO RA 5th Solo Concert <Collision Theory>,Seoul
2020 KIM SO RA 4th Solo Concert <Landscape>,Seoul 2018 KIM SO RA x HYUN SEUNG HUN DUO CONCERT <BEAT:HOPE>, Seoul
2017 KIM SO RA 3rd Solo Concert <A Sign of Rain>,Seoul
2014 KIM SO RA 2nd Solo Concert <RhythmConnections>, Chicago
2010 KIM SO RA 1st Solo Concert <Turn the Stage>,Seoul
2022 KIM SO RA x KIM JUNG GI Collaboration album released [Sing in the Picture]
2021 Kim So Ra 2nd Solo album released [LANDSCAPE]
2021 DUO BUD 2nd album released [BODERLINE]
2019 Kim So Ra [Honam U-do Jeong cup Nongak Garak] album released
2018 Kim So Ra 1st Solo album released [A SIGN OFRAIN]
2017 DUO BUD 1st album released [STARLIGHT CONSOLATION]
2016 DUO BUD Digital Single released [LIGHT]
선정 이력
2023 ARKO 아트체인지업 선정 <장단유희:한국장단음악축제> 및 우수사례작 선정
2023 경기문화재단 기초예술창작지원작품 선정 <김소라 장단콘체르토 : 이데아>
2022 서울문화재단 예술창작지원작품 선정 <김소라 장단콘체르토 : 충돌이론>
2022 ARKO 아트체인지업 선정 <김소라x김정기 SING IN THE PICTURE>
2022 ARKO 공연예술창작산실 사전제작지원 선정 <김소라 장단 오케스트라>
2021 ARKO 공연예술창작산실 올해의 레퍼토리 선정 <김소라 LANDSCAPE>
2021 ARKO 공연예술창작산실 영상제작지원사업 선정 <김소라 LANDSCAPE>
2021 서울문화재단 예술창작지원작품 선정 <김소라 LANDSCAPE>
2021 서울아트마켓 PAMS CHOICE 공식쇼케이스 아티스트 <KIMSORA>
2021 재)전통공연예술진흥재단 해외 홍보 컨텐츠지원 선정 <김소라 LANDSCAPE>
2020 서울문화재단 우수예술작품 기록사업 선정 <김소라 작품기록집 – 비가올징조> 출판, 하모니북
2019-2020 WOMAD UK, WOMADelaide, WOMAD NZ 공식 초청 아티스트
2019 서울아트마켓 PAMS CHOICE 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <DUOBUD>
2019 SXSW 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <DUOBUD> 2018 WOMEX18 세계 월드 뮤직 엑스포 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <KIMSORA>
2018 MUNDIAL MONTREAL 북미 월드뮤직서밋공식쇼케이스 아티스트 <KIMSORA>
2018 중강 국악상 수상
2018 서울뮤직위크 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <KIMSORA>
2017 울산 에이팜 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <KIMSORA>
2016 프랑스 바벨메드 뮤직 페스티벌 공식 쇼케이스 아티스트 <DUOBUD>
2015 전주세계소리축제 소리프론티어 KB 소리상 대상 수상 <DUOBUD>
2023 Gyeonggi Foundation for Arts and Culture selection [jangdan concerto IDEA]
2022 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture Selection [KIMSORA JANGDAN CONCERTO : Collision Theory]
2022 ARKO Selection pre-production support project [KIMSORA]
2021 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture Selection [KIMSORA:LANDSCAPE]
2021 Seoul Art Market PAMS CHOICE Official Showcase Artist [KIMSORA]
2021 ARKO Selection Repertoire of the Year [KIMSORA] 2021 ARKO Selection video production support project [KIMSORA :LANDSCAPE]
2021 KIMSORA’s Reflections [A sign of Rain] Publication 2021 Foundation for Traditional Performing Arts Promotion Overseas PR Content Support Selection ( LANDSCAPE)
2020 WOMADelaide, WOMAD N.Z Festival OfficialPerformance [KIMSORA]
2019 Europe & North America World tour 22 cities 6different countries [KIMSORA]
2019 South by South West (SXSW) Official Showcase Artist[DUO BUD]
2018 WOMEX [The World Music Expo] Official ShowcaseArtist [KIMSORA] / Las Palmas de Gran canaria,Spain
2018 Canada Mundial Montreal North America’s WorldMusic Summit Official Showcase Artist [KIMSORA] /Canada Quebec, Montreal
2018 Seoul Music Week Official Showcase Artist [KIMSORA]
2017 Ulsan Apam [Asian Pacific Music Meeting] Official Showcase Artist [KIMSORA]
2016 France Babel Med Music festival official ShowcaseArtist [DUO BUD]
2015 First Place (KB Sori Prize) in World music Categoryat the Sori Frontier, JeonJu International Sori Festival [DUO BUD]
Studied Honam Udo under Master Yu Ji Hwa, horder of Jeongup Nongak
(Jeollabuk-do Province intangible cultural treasure No. 7-2)
Founder and Director of Norikkot, Women’s Traditional Arts Troupe, Korea
Founder of World music Duo ‘BUD’, South Korea
Jung-gang Gukak Prize / South Korea 2018
First Place ( KB Sori Prize) in World music Category at the Sori Frontier, JeonJu International Sori Festival in 2015 / South Korea
First Place in the pungmul category at the 10th National Women’s Korean Traditional Music Festival in 2012 / South Korea
First Place in the creative performing arts category at the 13th In-cheon Bupyeong Pungmul Festival in 2011/ South Korea
First Place at the 10th Anseong Baudeogi Pungmul Festival in 2010
First Place in the drum accompaniment category at the 11th Seopyeonje Boseong Sori Festival in 2009 / South Korea
First Place in the percussion category at the 11th Bupyeong Pungmul Festival in 2007 / South Korea
Kyung Hee University Ph.D. course completion. South Korea
Chung-Ang University, Bachelor, Master course Degree. South Korea
2012 August, Master of Music in Korean Music, Awarded a Full Scholarship.
2012 August, Master of Music in Korean Music, Awarded a Full Scholarship.
2004 Enter percussion and performance course at Chung-ang University’s School of Korean music, Awarded a Full Scholarship.
2007 Start master course at Chung-ang University’s Graduate school of Korean music.
2007 Studied Korean music for orchestra as minor at Chung-ang University’s School of Korean music.
2007 Early graduation with honors from Chung-ang University’s School of Korean music with major in percussion and performance.
Thesis: The Development of and Performance of Janggu Nori of Jeoungeup Nongak: with a Focus on Yu-Ji Hwa Janggu Nori.
Bachelor of Music in Korean Music, August 2007. Awarded a Full Scholarship
7/3/2021 KIMSORA 2nd Album Release &Showcase @ Changdong platform 61
6/11/2021 A Sign Of Rain @ GyoungJu
5/31/2021 @JeonJu DaeSaSeupNori opening performance
3/31/2021 DADAM Concert @NamWon National Gugak Center, Seoul, Korea,
2/12/2021 JANGDAN:Conversation of the Breath @National Sawdust, USA
5/8/2020 LANDSCAPE@Seoul National Gugak Center, Seoul, Korea,
3/4-17 /2020 A SIGN OF RAIN@WOMADelaide, WOMAD NZ , KIM SO RA
2/9-17/2020 BODERLINE @World Sacred Spirit Festival DUO BUD (India)
2019 KIM SO RA WORLD TOUR Europe & North America
7/26/2019 @ Paris, France (TBD)
8/15/2019 @ Yerba Buena Gardens Festival (San Francisco, USA)
8/17-18/2019 @ Philadelphia Folk Festival (Philadelphia, USA)
9/20/2019 @ Washington, DC (TBD)
9/27-28/2019 @ Lotus World Music & Arts Festival (Bloomington, USA)
10/2/2019 @ Ottawa, CA (TBD)
Womex18 Official Showcase Selection, 2018.Oct.24~28/ Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Islands,Spain - Kim So Ra
Mundial Montreal world music summit official Showcase selection 2018 .Nov.13~16 / Canada Montreal
Hyun Seung Hun x Kim So Ra duo Concert < Light :Beat > / 2018. Nov.9 New York Flushing town Hall
Duo Bud tour in Taiwan , Korea Focus / 2018. Nov.3 Taiwan National Kaohsiung art center
Oct. KimSoRa Solo Concert - Rhythm connections / 2018. Oct. 13 YeoJu, Korea
Sep. YeunHeeDonghaeng concert /Korean traditional Young artist invite concert II / Yeoju, Korea -Kim So Ra
Agu. Yeomindongrak concert /Korean traditional Young artist invite concert I / Yeoju, Korea -Kim So Ra
May. NamWon Arts Village Festival .NamWon, Korea - Kim So Ra
May. Korean traditional performing arts Festival .Seoul .Korea - Kim So Ra
May. SEOUL MUSIC WEEK World music show case official selection, Seoul, Korea - Kim So Ra
May. TEDxUBUD Festival official selection, Bali, Indonesia - Kim So Ra
Apr. JinJu ,SamCheonpo Blossom of Norikkot
Feb. 'Dark Silence' 2nd digital single - Duo Bud
Feb. '빛&BEAT' Showcase , Platform Changdong 61 music curation ,Seoul. Korea - Hyun Seung Hun X Kim So Ra
Jan. 'Starlight Consolation' Duo Bud Concert, Seoul. Korea
Nov. 'Starlight Consolation’ Duo Bud concert , Seoul. Korea
Nov. ‘Color of the original Yeon Hee’, Wednesday Dance official selection, Seoul. Korea - KIM SO RA
Nov. ‘Great to see you’, Seosan. Korea - KIM SO RA
Nov. ‘A sign of Rain’, Gyeonggi Media performance festival, Yongin. Korea - KIM SO RA
Oct. ‘ Starlight Consolation’ Duo Bud Concert, Cuba
Oct. ‘Pungmul Korea’ Hyun Seung Hun x Kim So Ra Concert, Fukuoka.Japan
Sep. ‘Color of the original Yeon Hee’ Wednesday Dance official selection , Seoul. Korea - KIM SO RA
Sep. ‘Great to see you’ Asan, Korea - KIM SO RA
Sep. ‘Gojip’ Jeonju international Sori festival official Concert, Jeonju. Korea - KIM SO RA
Sep. ‘B3 Paradigm’ Jeonju international Sori festival official Concert, Jeonju. Korea - DUO BUD
Sep. ‘A sign of Rain’ Ulsan World Music Festival A-pam music showcase official Selection, Ulsan . Korea - KIM SO RA
Sep. ‘<Heart to Heart> Norikkot and Duo BUD, The Beauty of Janggu _ Kim So-ra
Creating the Sounds of Korea through Diverse Medium, Percussionist Kim So-ra Arirang TV HEART TO HEART talk show Special Guest -
Aug. ‘A sign of Rain’ Manpan- taste for the arts Program, < sponsord by the Excellent Traditional performing Arts for Seoul & Noreum Marchi Art Company> Seoul.
July. ‘A sign of Rain’ Selected General Art program <sponsored by the Traditional performing arts forJeju Foundation for Arts and Culture. - KIM SO RA
July. ‘ Starlight Consolation’ 2017 Okarina music Festival official selection, Bled lake. Slovenia - DUO BUD
July. ‘Starlight Consolation’ Vienna
June, ‘ MUPUNG’ Seoul. Korea - Norikkot
June, ‘ The Magazine Gaeksuk'
May, ‘Color of the original Yeon Hee’ 2017 Korean Traditional performing Arts Festival official selection, Seoul, Korea - KIM SO RA
May, ‘ Starlight Consolation’ Seoul. Korea - DUO BUD
April, ‘A sign of Rain’ Friday Empathy Concert, Seoul . Korea - KIM SO RA
Jan, ‘A sign of Rain’ Showcase in Mullae Art theater , Korea - KIM SO RA
Selected artist of Mullae Arts Plus <Map> KIM SO RA - <Sponsored by the Traditional performing arts for Seoul foundation for arts and Culture>
Dec. ‘ Hope’ Namsan Choice program official selection - Norikkot
Dec. 'Starlight Consolation’ Anyang Pung Ryu talk Concert, Anyang . Korea - DUO BUD
Nov. ‘Kim So Ra JANGGU Workshop’ New York. USA
Nov. ‘Starlight Consolation’ Chicago. USA
Nov. ‘Starlight Consolation’ Monterrey. Mexico
Oct. ‘Starlight Consolation’ Budapest. Hungary
Oct. 'Color of the original Yeon Hee’ 2016 Korean Traditional performing Arts Festival official selection, Seoul, Korea - KIM SO RA
Oct. 'Color of the original Yeon Hee’ Changdong Platform61 Sinawei & ragtime Concert , Seoul, Korea - KIM SO RA
Sep. ‘ 2016 Feel the Wind’ Ullanbatore, Mongola - KIM SO RA
Agu. ‘2016 Glden Melody Award’ , Ilan. TAiwan - DUO BUD
Mar. ‘2016 Babel med Music festival’ official selection - DUO BUD